Pasquale ForcellatiRelationship and Sexual Therapy in Bedford and Online

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Bedford Psychosexual Therapy and Couples Counselling

Welcome to my therapy web site!

Home. Connect to Therapy

Due to the current pandemic I urge you all to read my article on my on keeping safe during isolation.
Please visit my page on Facebook at Connect to Therapy, where you will find free advice and tips to cope in these unprecedented times.

My name is Pasquale, and I'm an experienced psychosexual and couples counsellor from Bedford.

Please have a look around my website for more about me and how I work.

The courage to change

Sometimes change can appear daunting for many people, we can be so immersed in our feelings and emotions that we lose hope.

I always remember the words of one client, when working as a mental health advocate. I met him in a secure mental health unit where he was sectioned after his third suicide attempt.

Some years later on I met him by chance on the street he told me, how he had managed to find a job. He had also married his long-term girlfriend they are living in their own house and awaiting their first child.

I wished him well and asked whether he has all that he had hoped for? “he said that he had achieved more than he ever thought possible.  His only regret was that he had not known that he could come out of his dilemma at the time of his crisis.
This client’s recovery is a story of the power of hope and the strength of the human spirit.

Let me be your guide along your own journey of change.

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